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Enjoy this sampling of published articles and book chapters authored by Dr. Laura Hauser.
Magazine Articles
Adapting to Crisis: Expanding our coaching mindset. Choice: The Magazine of Professional Coaching, 18(3), 20-22.
COVID-19 Leaders Need Coaching Now More Than Ever. Retrieved from https://www.td.org.
COVID-19 Crisis: How to help leaders and teams ‘decide how to decide’ their priorities. Retrieved from https://choice-online.com/.
Expanding team coaching capabilities for impact: Four essential lenses for seeing the Who, What, When and How of teams in organizations. Choice: The Magazine of Professional Coaching, 16(4), 28-30.
Team Innovation. ASTD: The Wisdom of ASTD-LA, 173-177.
Scholarly Articles
Team Coaching Operating System (TCOS): The Intersection of Evidence-Based Research and Gestalt Principles. Gestalt Review: SPECIAL ISSUE - Advances in a Gestalt Approach to Coaching, Consulting, and Organization Development, 22(2), 208-225.
The science behind powerful questioning: A Systemic Questioning Framework for coach educators and practitioners. Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal, 2(2), 51–68.
Shape-Shifting: A Behavioral Team Coaching Model for Coach Education,Research, and Practice. Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture, 5(2), 48-71.
Shape-Shifting: A Conceptual Framework for Coaching Work Teams. Shape-Shifting doctoral dissertation, 35-43, ProQuest.
Evidence-Based Coaching: A Case Study. OD Practitioner, 41(1), 8-13.
Book Chapters
Part Three: Organizations, Leadership, and Coaching, Chapter 17: Team and Group Behavior. In L. Wildflower & D. Brennan (Authors), The handbook of knowledge-based coaching: From theory to practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
A New Way of Guiding Large-Scale Organizational Change. In Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer (Ed.), The 1998 Annual: Volume 2 Consulting, 257-284. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
The intangible dimension: Can you afford to neglect it? In J. Renesch & B. Deforre (Ed.), The New Bottom Line: Bringing Heart & Soul to Business, 269-282. San Francisco, CA: Sterling & Stone, Inc./New Leaders Press.
Reigniting Spirit in the Work Place. In J. W. Pfeiffer (Ed.), The 1996 Annual: Volume 1 Training, 297-303. San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.
A Multicultural Diversity Intervention: The Employee Relations Training and Line Management Partnership. In R. Schwartz (Ed.) & N. Woodard (Co-author), Managing the Multicultural Workforce: Strategies for Human Resource Professionals, 40-50. University of California, Los Angeles: Institute of Industrial Relations.
Conference executive moderator and executive leadership at the GSAEC Third International Conference. "Time for stabilization or disruption in coaching education? Exploring established and emerging frontiers."
Presentation at Fielding Graduate University’s Evidence-Based Coaching Conference. “Coaching teams for enterprise wide impact: A case study.” Santa Barbara, California.
Virtual presentation to the Keystone Group - Asia Pacific Consulting Group. “Team Coaching Research & Practice: Responses from an Asian perspective.” Shanghai, China.
Presentation at The MEECO Conference. "Shape-Shifting: A behavioral Team Coaching Model for Coach Education, Research, and Practice." Estes Park, Colorado.
Guest Speaker at GSAEC 2nd International Conference. "What can a family systems therapeutic framework tell us how to effectively frame powerful questions?" Toronto, Canada.
Agrawal, S., Smet, A., Lacroix, S., & Reich, A. (2020, May 26). To emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, companies should start reskilling their workforces now. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com.
Scoular, H. (2019, October 25). The Leader as Coach. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from https://hbr.org.